changing lives, one day at a time....

We believe in instilling our children with character traits that will be essential to their future toward becoming a successful adult. The character traits are: leadership, character build up, discipline, and determination. We will begin to systematically change the culture by impacting the youth of the community. Our programs consist of team sports, after school programs, and community outreach. Our team sports programs will focus on the following: Learning how to deal with failure, Learning how to work hard, Learning how to work as a team, Learning how to make sacrifices, and Learning discipline. Our Education programs will focus on the following: After school tutoring, maintaining high academic achievements, and motivating young adults to obtain a higher level of education after high school. Our community outreach programs will focus on the following: Academic Gain, increase self-efficacy, learning beyond the classroom, and promoting team building.
Our program consists of the following core values! Leadership, Education, Accountability, and Perseverance. Our mission is to Empower children in at- risk communities to pursue higher education and instill positive character traits so that can be an asset to society. Our goal is to graduate every student who enters our program and offer scholarship opportunity to students who desires to pursue higher education.